Buying or selling a business is a significant undertaking and, for many, done once in a lifetime. There are also likely to be numerous advisers involved, with both sides having solicitors, tax advisers, accountants, and corporate finance professionals supporting them.
Sellers will usually have tax to pay, either at a corporate or personal level, or both. Planning for exit as early as possible will provide the best chance of maximising a deal's tax efficiencies.
This may include assessing eligibility for Business Asset Disposal Relief at a personal level or the Substantial Shareholding Exemption at a corporate level.
In addition, we can help to assess whether the existing structure is commercially suitable for sale and in line with the client’s goals. For buyers, we help to understand the target's tax profile, undertake tax due diligence on the target company or group, identify hidden or unpaid tax liabilities, and provide buyers with an understandable and comprehensive report.